President signs watershed law to reduce chemical tests on animals
June 24, 2016
On Wednesday, June 22, President Obama signed the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act into law after the bill passed both houses of Congress, a bill that will modernize chemical testing and reduce the use of animals.
Read moreSparing animals from radiation poisoning experiments
June 17, 2016
The threat of high dose radiation exposure is a terrifying. Not only does it wreak devastating, even lethal, effects upon the body, but there is currently no treatment.
Read moreNew kidney on a chip enhances drug safety
June 3, 2016
A new kidney-on-a-chip developed by scientists at the University of Michigan has proven superior to animal testing in assessing a drug’s influence on these vulnerable organs, which are responsible for filtering toxins from the blood.
Read morePeering into the living brain with Alzheimer's disease
May 13, 2016
A new brain imaging technology is allowing researchers to visualize the accumulation of toxic amyloid deposits in the living human brain as never before. The deposits are the hallmark of Alzheimer’s diseases, and may also be found in other neurodegenerative diseases.
Read moreA portable brain scanner that yes, you can try at home
April 15, 2016
What if we could perform medical-grade brain scanning from the comfort of or own homes? What if a device could monitor the brains of individuals at risk for strokes or seizures - while they went about their daily activities?
Read moreCancer microchip breaks new ground
April 8, 2016
Failures to make sufficient strides in cancer treatment despite decades of aggressive research – much of it using animals – have scientists seeking new ways to examine the problem.
Read moreNew mini-brains have maxi capabilities to replace animals
February 22, 2016
We have entered a new era in cell culture technology, in which scientists can grow three-dimensional cultures that form “organoids” – miniaturized structures resembling their full-grown counterparts in key areas of structure and function.
Read moreEPA enters partnership to reduce animal tests
February 15, 2016
The EPA has announced it will partner with Singapore's A*STAR to co-develop sophisticated methods for assessing chemical safety without using animals.
Read moreWhat breathes and bleeds, but doesn't suffer or feel pain?
January 27, 2016
At the center of the expanding industry in non-animal technologies are the pioneering companies using innovative technology to develop and design these methods.
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