The manufacturer of Prevagen® memory support supplement, Quincy Bioscience, is using animals in cruel and unnecessary experiments. Tell the company you will boycott their products until they adopt a full No Animal Testing policy.
Call Quincy Bioscience 1-855-331-7721
Let them know you wont forget their animal tests.
Help us raise funds to continue running this TV ad exposing Prevagen’s animal tests!
CAARE’s research has revealed that Prevagen®, the number one selling supplement to support memory in people, is being tested on animals! These tests are completely unjustified and need to stop.
Apoaequorin – the active ingredient in Prevagen® – is a calcium-binding protein touted to have brain boosting abilities. Apoaequorin (pronounced: ā-poe-ē-kwôr-ĭn) is naturally found in jelly fish, but the company synthesizes apoaequorin and points out that jelly fish are unharmed in the making of Prevagen®.
We wish they could say the same for other animals.
Quincy Bioscience uses rats in cruel experiments to study apoaequorin’s effect on brain cells. One study used 142 rats subjected to invasive brain experiments. Under anesthesia, rats were mounted on a fixation device and their skulls opened to implant stainless steel tubes to infuse apoaequorin directly into their brains.
Quincy Bioscience also provided support for experiments on rats to study the effect of fear on learning. Rats were placed into chambers and received painful electric shocks to their feet. Then they were killed to dissect their brains. These studies had nothing to do with apoaequorin but they were supported by Quincy Bioscience.
Quincy Bioscience has also conducted experiments on older beagles to study supplements to support brain function in aging dogs. The product, Neutricks, which also contains apoaequorin, is manufactured by its affiliate company Quincy Animal Health.
Fortunately the dog studies were not invasive and none were killed. But the dogs were obtained through a contract lab and likely spent much of their lives in the confinement of a laboratory setting.
The contract lab, CanCog Technologies Inc. explains that animals receive toys and group kennel housing, however, that’s a world apart from a loving home. The study used 24 beagles, ages 9 through 17.
We think a 17 year old beagle should be curled up at the foot of the bed and not living in a contract lab.
CAARE tried to determine where CanCog obtains the beagles from. One publication stated they were obtained from yet another contract lab, VivoCore Colony.
The string of contract labs paints a bad picture of animals’ living their lives in cold, institutional settings.
The studies CAARE learned about are only from publications because Quincy Bioscience declined to offer more information when contacted by CAARE. They did confirm in an email that animal experiments are continuing.
None of the current experiments are related to FDA compliance. Prevagen® has already been affirmed by the FDA in March 2013 as safe for human use.
Please contact Quincy Bioscience today asking for an end to their animal tests and to adopt a firm No Animal Testing policy. Let the company know you will boycott Prevagen® and Neutricks until they do.
Tell Quincy Bioscience: You won’t forget their animal tests. 1-855-331-7721
Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research (CAARE), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established to highlight and promote research without animals.
Please donate to support our mission to speak up for animals in laboratories, and to end animal suffering by disseminating information about the power and progress of research without animals.