Action Alerts

End monstrous experiments on monkeys at Rockefeller U

Last year CAARE exposed senseless experiments on monkeys at Rockefeller University that probe their brains to study how the brain deciphers facial recognition. Through highly invasive experiments, these living sentient individuals are turned into recording devices to satisfy scientific curiosity.

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Help save animals from cruel drug tests

The FDA Modernization Act is under peril. Two lawmakers have introduced substitute legislation that would omit the FDA Modernization Act from the final FDA legislative packet – an act that would maintain the requirement for animal testing for new drug development.

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Tell the Senate not to weaken bans on animal testing

Your help is urgently needed to remove a dangerous provision that has been added to S.4348, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancements Act (FDASLA).

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FDA Modernization Act to be voted on this week!

This is an historic moment. The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote tomorrow June 7 on the FDA Modernization Act as a rider to the Food and Drug Amendments of 2022.

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Contact Congress to support the FDA Modernization Act

Most will never have a name, but they are no different from other animals we know. They need love and companionship but spend their lives in isolation. The rare touch from a human hand is likely to come with pain, callousness and death.

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Oppose bias in NASEM panel to evaluate primate research

The future of primates in biomedical research is being examined by a committee under the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM).

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FDA Modernization Act to be heard at Energy & Commerce committee hearing

The FDA Modernization Act of 2021 is advancing through Congress and we have an exciting opportunity to change the laws requiring FDA animal testing.

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Changing the laws that sustain animal experiments

We’re on a mission to change the laws that keep animal labs going and reward scientists for carrying out animal research.

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Hideous experiments on monkeys exposed at Rockefeller U

In a laboratory at Rockefeller University in New York, two monkeys, known only as M1 and M2, spend their lives subjected to experiments designed to map the brain cells involved in facial recognition.

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Angry about NIH beagle experiments. Now what?

Please note: this letter can only be signed by U.S. residents because of rules imposed by Congress. International signers can sign our petition here.

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen ghastly beagle experiments making headlines in the news. People are angry and they should be. But we need to do more than get angry. We need to take sweeping and meaningful action to end the business of animal experimentation, which is as cruel and ugly as the images we’ve seen displayed.

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