Action Alerts

Digital eyeglasses succeed where animal experiments fail

December 4, 2015

Send a letter to the National Eye Institute requesting an end to millions of dollars that go to invasive brain recording experiments on monkeys to study vision.

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Say NO to cruel "industry norms" in USDA research!

October 23, 2015

Sign and send the letter to the USDA Inspector General to oppose labeling cruel practices in USDA research as "industry norms!"

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We need a paradigm shift in addiction research!

October 2, 2015

Tell NIH to implement a phase out plan for animal addiction studies.

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Contact the US House Energy and Commerce Committee to support H.R.2858

July 30, 2015

Sign the letter to contact the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to support the Humane Cosmetics Act!

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Ask Congress to halt USDA lamb experiments!

Sign the letter asking the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture to put a stop to the "easy care" lamb experiments by USDA!

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Demand USDA end cruel research on lambs!

July 1, 2015

Send a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to end this outrageous research.

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New bill threatens efforts to ban cosmetics tests on animals

Please sign the above letter to contact your U.S. Senators to oppose S.1014

June 24, 2105

While humane advocates have been urging Congress to support legislation to ban cosmetics tests on animals, special interest groups, largely representing the cosmetics industry, have been pressuring Congress to do the reverse.

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The U.S. must ban cosmetics tests on animals!

Perhaps the most inexcusable area of animal testing in the 21st century is the testing of cosmetics. 

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Oppose expansion of monkey facility


Residents of Hendry County, Florida have for years been disturbed over several large monkey breeding facilities in the region. An announcement of yet another one to come has spurred community anger and opposition.

Click the form above to send a letter opposing the expansion.

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Justifying brain experiments on animals

Use the form to send a letter to the UCSD Chancellor asking him to raise standards for research at the university by eliminating inhumane and poorly translatable animal experiments and replacing them with modern, human-relevant science.

May 1, 2015

A recent article drew CAARE’s attention to experiments on animals at University of California, San Diego. The author, a cognitive neuroscientist who conducts invasive brain experiments on rats, attempted to justify such research.

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