CAARE is thrilled to announce that the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 has been passed today, December 23, 2022, by the U.S. Congress!
This landmark bill will end the outdated FDA mandate, established over three-quarters of a century ago, that all potential drug candidates be tested on animals. It will be a first but essential step to end the use of animals in drug development by allowing scientists and pharmaceutical companies the opportunity to utilize superior, human-based technologies in place of animals.
While it doesn’t entirely end the use of animals in drug testing, it will pave the way for drugs to be developed without animals, sparing millions of animals immense suffering and death.
The challenge of passing federal legislation cannot be understated. Each year, many thousands of bills are introduced, but only a few hundred will become law. The passage of the FDA Modernization Act is the result of many months of diligent advocacy by CAARE and our affiliate, The Center for a Humane Economy, which initiated the bill, supported by a broad coalition of animal and patient advocacy groups.
Passing this bill also reflects the efforts of you and our thousands of supporters, who have reached out to your lawmakers in Congress repeatedly, letting them know the time has come to move away from utter dependence on animal tests, which are not only barbaric but fail at delivering safe and effective drugs for human patients.
Even as we celebrate the passage of the FDA Modernization Act, we know there is much more work to be done to ensure that new technologies are used to replace the standard use of animals.
With many millions of animals imprisoned in cages in laboratories across the nation, and with current science heavily dependent on animal research, it will take sustained advocacy to press for alternatives to replace animals.
CAARE will work hard to make sure that innovative and humane, non-animal methods are used, and will continue our fight to end animal experiments. We will turn our efforts next to passing the Humane Research and Testing Act, legislation created by CAARE specifically to establish a dedicated center under the National Institutes of Health to see that funding and support go to animal-free research.
Thank you for helping to pass this historic legislation by reaching out to your Senators and Representatives in Congress to let them know the U.S. must put an end to painful and toxic drug tests on animals.
With your support, we have achieved a remarkable and transformative victory!
Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research and Experimentation (CAARE), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established to highlight and promote research without animals.
Please donate to support CAARE’s mission to reduce animal suffering by disseminating information about the power and progress of research without animals.
CAARE is a proud affiliate of the Center for a Humane Economy, dedicated to forging a humane economic order.
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