Changing the laws that sustain animal experiments

We’re on a mission to change the laws that keep animal labs going and reward scientists for carrying out animal research.

Click here to send a letter to your representative to support the Humane Research and Testing Act.

Click here to send a letter to your representatives to support the FDA Modernization Act.

From the start, CAARE has consistently demonstrated how the inherent shortcomings of animal experiments, together with a revolution in biotechnology, render animal research outdated, unnecessary, unethical and a hindrance to medical progress. 


We have written extensively about how emerging technologies like 3D organoids, organs-on-chips, and more, hold the power to spare intense animal suffering and revolutionize the future of medical discovery.

Now these methods have become more widely utilized and many scientists themselves are talking about how it’s time to replace animals. The sweeping failure of animal tests, hovering at 90% or worse, isn’t up for dispute anymore.


Our bill introduced last year, the Humane Research and Testing Act (H.R. 1744) will enact bold steps to reduce animal experiments by establishing the National Center for Alternatives to Animals in Research and Testing under the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The Center would promote, fund and train scientists to conduct non-animal research while mandating that NIH disclose numbers of all animals used – including rats, mice and birds – key information that is currently withheld – and implement an ongoing and publicly disclosed plan to reduce animal use.


And now we’re proud to partner with the Center for a Humane Economy to pass the FDA Modernization Act, to further our goal to end animal tests.

The FDA Modernization Act, (H.R. 2565 and S. 2952), would end the FDA mandate requiring that animal tests be done before a potential drug enters human clinical trials. It will set a new standard by allowing scientists to submit preclinical work using non-animal methods to gain FDA approval.

While the bill does not eliminate animal testing, it will finally give scientists and drug companies the option to use innovative, human-based alternatives, sparing animals while advancing human medicine.

This sweeping approach targets the two pillars propping up animal experimentation – the NIH and FDA – and can transform the status quo of untold millions of animals cruelly killed in experiments at a time when biotechnology and medicine abound with new innovations.


Please take action today to support the HRTA and the FDA Modernization Act by sending a letter to your representatives in Congress to support crucial legislation that will take effective and meaningful steps to end the use of animals in experiments.

It’s unconscionable to allow the animal experimentation industry to continue when we have the means to end it.

Citizens for Alternatives to Animal Research and Experimentation (CAARE), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established to highlight and promote research without animals.


Please donate to support CAARE’s mission to reduce animal suffering by disseminating information about the power and progress of research without animals.

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  • Barbara Stagno
    published this page in Action Alerts 2022-02-03 14:33:23 -0500